"Why change? Everyone has their own style! When you have found it stick to it! "
~Audrey Hepburn~
Hello Lovelies! I hope you’re having a wonderfully productive week so far and that you have loads of exciting things planned for the weekend. I myself have tons of sewing to get done so I will be locked up in my sewing room trying to knock out some of my unfinished projects. I have some great things in store to share with you next week so I hope you will stay tuned for that! Today however I am featuring one of the most beautiful young women I know my daughter Britney and some of her work as a newbie sewer. While Britney has always been a fashionista in her own right she just recently started sewing and creating her own wearable garments. Needless to say Miss Holland has her own style and she definitely marches to the beat of her own drum!
Britney has the heart and mind of a leader and I'm proud to say that she has never been one to follow ordinary trends but focuses on her own style by implementing pieces into her wardrobe that work for her. With two walls full of accessories, handbags and shoes there is no denying she is definitely my child. I love that she is passionate about creating her own garments and jewelry and that she wants to be a part of the blogging experience with her mommy! I hope you enjoy what we have to share with you today and maybe just maybe Britney's work will inspire the next generation of would be sewers to get out there and create their own wearable garments.
Pictures by Mommy!