Whenever I have the blues I sew myself HAPPY!
“I’ve found everything happens for a reason, and when you believe in that, you free yourself from regret”
~Halle Berry~
Good Morning sewing loves we’re half way through the week and I don’t know about you but boy am I glad about that! Work has been a beast this week and I haven’t had a chance to really sew like I want to. Lately I’ve been so exhausted that I end up going in my studio to sleep instead of work! LOLLL Fortunately for me I was able to muster up enough energy to complete my “Lady Wears the Blues” look and take a few quick pictures to post here on the blog.
I must say I absolutely love this Simplicity vest pattern 8054 and I will definitely be making this baby again. This pattern is extremely easy to follow and should appeal to all skill levels including the newbie sewer. As for the pants I needed something quick I could whip up in about 30-45 minutes without much thought at all. So I pulled out my trusty hurry up and make a pair of pants pattern Butterick B6066. I have to admit that after pulling it all together I realized I should have made a different flare leg pattern with a front fly zipper but my lack of leftover fabric simply didn’t allow. Oh well maybe next time but for now these will definitely do in a pinch!
Vest Pattern: Simplicity 8054 (extremely simple which is always a plus in my book)
Pants Patter: Butterick 6066 (extremely simple if you're okay with rear zipper placement)
Fabric: Stretch Cotton Twill
Top: I Draped the cascade top pattern last year and there is a tutorial for it on My YOUTUBE!
I was photo bombed by my nephew Maxwell Yall!
OOPS My sock is showing!LOLL
Hey Where are you going with that BAG Little Boy?
The Pattern Cover Pictures prove I'm not crazy!!!!