"Power Today Comes From Sharing Information Not Withholding It!"
~Keith Ferrazi~
Hello Sewing family I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and that you’re ready for an awesome day here on the blog! Today I’m releasing the introduction video of our first ever coaching series featuring CEO and co-founder of Bootstrap Fashion Yuliya Raquel. As I go through the process of preparing my own line of patterns and made to order custom clothing I’ve learned quite a bit along the way.To say that this process has been easy would be less than truthful! OKAY I’m just going to put this out there, it’s been darn right HARD! LOL While it's been difficult it's also been an invaluable experience filled with lots of lessons and even a few "ooops" moments along the way.
As luck would have it during my journey I met and developed and awesome relationship with an industry guru Yuliya Raquel CEO and Co-Founder of Bootstrap Fashion. Yuliya has been instrumental in helping me focus and move forward with my business even during those times when I felt like I was DONE! Being the visionary that she is Yuliya thought it would be great if we developed a coaching series (based on our discussions) to share with others who have a desire to transform their creative passion into a profitable business. Of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be a part of this project thus the "Each One Teach One Coaching Series was born!" WOOOHOOOO!
Over the next four to five weeks we will post video coaching sessions followed by “think about it worksheets” and other valuable resources to get you started on your way. We are thoroughly excited to bring you this series and truly believe if we can help make the transition from sewing hobbyist to business owner a little smoother for you then the struggle will have been worth it. Below is the introduction video to the series along with the first “Think About it Worksheet” for you to complete before our next session. We encourage you to send us your questions via email to Mydailythreadzme1@gmail.com throughout the series and we will address them during our Q&A portion at the end of each session. We hope you enjoy what we have to offer and we look forward to spending the next several weeks with all of YOU!
Please forward all questions to mydailythreadzme1@gmail.com by Thursday immediately following the posted video each week so that Yuliya and I can prepare adequate answers for you!
Click link below to download the first Worksheet.