"Truth is, great things take time. So either you wait or you settle for less."
Hello my fellow sewing loves and happy hump day to you all. I know you're probably wondering where I've been the last ten days and why I haven't posted recently. Well the truth is I've been working hard with the team at Bootstrap Fashion preparing for the release of the Nina Ramel Pattern Collection. Yes folks you heard me correctly the countdown begins!
I'm not sure how many of you know how much work goes into this process but trust me it's more than a notion that's for sure! Between working the pattern yourself having others test it and then making corrections, one could easily go back and forth several times before nailing a final pattern you feel comfortable with. Of course I could have released it several weeks ago but when my name and brand is connected with a product I want it to be as close to perfect as it could possibly be. With that being said the team at Bootstrap Fashion and I have been working hard to complete the pattern and bring my vision to life. The first pattern will be released within the next 7-8 days and the second will follow ten days later.
While we have several more designs to bring you as a part of this first collection we decided to release two before the holidays and three shortly after. I want to thank all of you for keeping your ears and eyes open for the release of the patterns, I truly believe we have something you're going to enjoy!