"Don’t let anyone ever Dull your Sparkle!"
Happy Friday all! I hope you all had a very productive week and you have great plans for the weekend. There are a few things I’m going to address just this once on the blog today and I will not revisit it again. If there is anything you learn as a new blogger it’s that you sometimes have to have a thick skin. Not everyone will want you to succeed nor will they have nice things to say. For me that’s okay as I do this simply because I love creating and I don't get paid for this labor of love! I want to express my sincere gratitude to those who follow my blog and for encouraging me with your kind word and support. This blog is a journal of sorts for me, a place where I can share what I sew, what I know and what I love with others. With that being said I will keep my blog positive and uplifting not just for me but for others who visit the site.
While I am always learning and accepting of constructive criticism I will not tolerate messages/comments of hate or slander of any kind to be posted on my blog. The world is full of great talented bloggers of all genre’s and everyone is free to follow whom they choose but please do not try and spread your spiteful agenda or that of another’s here at My Daily Threadz. Fashion is a wonderful thing in which we are all inspired by what we see, be it architecture, music, nature, color food etc. The awesome thing about sewing and creating your own garments is that we all work from the same basic pattern blocks thus freeing us from the shackles and restrictions of many other fields of work.
No one owns the rights to a circle skirt, a flare or maxi dress simply because others who may have been exposed to their work on a larger scale believe they made it first. I make what I like no matter who so called made it first and I always encourage others to do the same especially when they are inspired by me! In fashion there is nothing new under the sun and people shouldn't be expected to stay clear of a particular item because someone else stakes claim to it. There are so many talented designers and sewers out there that I enjoy and encourage others to follow but in the world fashion we all understand that a skirt is a skirt is a skirt. No matter what style, no one individual has the sole creative rights to making them. So I will end by saying I plan to be kind to others no matter what they say or do. While I can’t control the heart and minds of a select few I can curtail what I allow to flow from me. Be well and remember it is so much easier to be kind!
I know you thought I forgot but I didn't! Here are some pics of the MacGyver jumpsuit I made with a very familiar print! LOL I think its all gone now! Top McCalls 6083 cut larger & pants vintage Simplicity Pattern 9059, Sash Vogue 8825!
Information on shoes & handbag listed on "Accessorize it Page"