Purple, Purple and More Purple!
Taking all aspects of purple's past and present into consideration, purple symbolizes magic, mystery, spirituality, the sub-conscious, creativity, dignity, royalty and it evokes all of these meanings more so than any other color.
~Jill Morton of Color Matters~
Good Morning Lovelies!!! Remember when I said I was well rested and ready to sew, well not so much! Is it just me or do you feel like you need another vacation after your vacation? I’ve been trying to get back in the groove of sewing but with the fabric and machine issues I’ve been experiencing it hasn’t gone as smoothly as I planned. Nonetheless I have to kick myself back in gear and get some things done! With that being said I’ve been toying around with several ideas that I’m hoping will take my blog to the next level. Now let me be clear I do this quite simply because I love sewing and most of all I love sharing but I think it’s time to branch out a bit more and share with all of you how much I’ve grown creatively since I started blogging.
Next week will be a first for me and while I’m not going to spoil the surprise by sharing it now I will say that it’s a big step but I think it’s something you will enjoy! In the mean time I am going to share my outfit of the day which would explain the quote for the day. I finished sewing this two piece purple halter and wide leg/palazzo pants before I left for vacation. Consequently my initial design was a jumpsuit joining both pieces together but the more I thought about having to take all this off in order to use the restroom the more my design began to shift. If you’ve been following my blog you know I love jumpsuits but having to disrobe for each and every potty break gets a little old after a while.
Needless to say the two piece ensemble won out and I am quite pleased with the results all the way around. The pants are a bit extra (in width and length) but I love the comfort and lightness of them which works for these hot California days. The top is a very simple halter in which I extend the neck ties to create a more dramatic effect. It may not look like much coming but let me tell you walking away is AWESOME! I hope you enjoy the photo’s below and please note for all you shoe and handbag fans please check out the accessories page for information on the shoes and handbag of the day!
Top Started with McCalls 6650 after several alterations there you have it! Pants Started with Butterick 4807 altered the legs for wider effect and shaped the waist to achieve this look!