Every generation laughs at the fashions of the previous without realizing how much they repeat them!
Hello Lovelies! I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend filled with family, good food and loads of fun. I of course had my wonderful family here from out of town and we had a marvelous time eating laughing and simply enjoying one another’s company. Now the weekend is over friends and family have all gone so its times to get some sewing done!
As you know I’ve been working with a couple of knit fabrics that were truly giving me the blues these last couple of weeks and I almost scrapped a couple of projects. Well I’m happy to report that I finally conquered those projects and I am going to share one of them with you today! Let me just say it wasn’t the altering of the pattern that was troublesome for me but for some reason the fabric just didn’t want to cooperate. I love all kinds of knits and work with them more than any other textile, so I was quite surprised when I kept encountering the same issues with this particular knit over and over again. I will admit that ITY Knits aren’t my favorite but as I said in previous posts I am trying to step outside my comfort zone and explore different colors, prints and textures.
With that being said I finally finished my tribute to one of my favorite fashion decades the 1970’s. In my opinion the 70’s had a great impact on the field of fashion that is very present in the creative process today. Just look around you! The jumpsuit, the trapeze dress aka the tent dress, wide leg pants, tunics and long vest, I mean I could go on and on but you get the point. I will always love everything about the 70’s as it represents my childhood and a time of great joy that will forever be a part of me. So if you notice a little retro twang in the garments I create, just know it’s no accident but rather me choosing to express myself by paying homage to what I call “the good Old days.”
I used Simplicity S0569A view D for the top and Butterick 4807 for the wide leg pants. For the top I extended the split in the front to my waist and the pants I cut the pattern as is.