"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn"
~Benjamin Franklin~
Good Morning Sewing Lovelies! So here we are at the end of the week and I was finally able to get the Cascade pattern tutorial finished. When I tell you this video equipment gave me the blues this weekend I mean it literally gave me the BLUES! The first time I taped the tutorial I noticed a few things I wanted to edit out, unfortunately in my haste to correct them I inadvertently erased the entire fifty minute video! I mean completely erased it! After picking myself up off the floor from being in utter despair I took a deep breath calmed down and decided to go to bed and try again the following day.
Realizing how stressed I was the following day my daughter agreed to assist me with the taping and editing of the video in the hopes of having it ready for Wednesday's blog post. Consequently she ended up having to work so I had to wait until my husband had a free moment to help me with taping. Well here we are Friday Morning and I'm happy to report that I have a complete VIDEO! Of course Iām still learning how to utilize all the tools of this editing software but every video I learn a little bit more. I must admit that throughout this process, I've learned to laugh at myself and not take things too seriously. I'm a work in progress and I believe it can only get better from here. I hope you enjoy the video and that you are inspired to give this simple yet versatile top a try.
Have a wonderful weekend and please feel free to email or inbox me if you have any questions!