“It isn’t how much we give, but how much LOVE we put into giving!”
~author unknown~
Hello dear sewing family, I hope this post finds you all doing and feeling well! We are in the midst of the Holiday Season, a special time of year where we love a little harder, hug a little tighter and share with others out of the abundance of our hearts. Today’s quote speaks to the sentiment of my heart as I contemplate creative and meaningful ways to give to others. Being a creative person by nature who loves to sew the first thing that comes to mind is making special custom items for everyone I know and love.
Unfortunately as much as I would love to sew something special for everyone the reality is it’s just not going to happen! LOL I’m not exactly sure what I was thinking considering my hectic schedule but it’s back to the creative drawing board for me as I quickly erased all remnants of that crazy idea from my head!
In the meantime as I struggle with gift ideas for one group there’s another with whom I have no doubt of what to share. Of course the other group to which I’m referring to is everyone in my fabulous sewing family! The great thing about being here on the blog is I have an opportunity to share from the abundance of my heart my passion; knowledge and love of sewing with some of the most fantastic people I've ever had the pleasure of cyber meeting. Just hearing that I've inspired so many of you to pursue your creative aspirations makes sharing this gift worthwhile. I encourage each and every one of you to get out there and GIVE! It doesn't have to be money or something you purchased from a store, as sharing your God given gifts and talents can be worth so much more! Here’s to a wonderful Holiday Season filled with love, joy and peace that passes all understanding!
This is the jumpsuit I promised to share pics of once the rain stopped. I used McCalls 6562 for the top portion of the jumpsuit and Butterick 4807 for the bottom. Fabric is a Red Ponte Roma Knit I ordered from Fabric Mart earlier in the Fall. Both patterns are extremely easy to follow and once you are done constructing both pieces you simply join them together at the waist. If you like you can add elastic at the waist but do to the great fit I chose not to. I also added pictures of several steps throughout process which I will try and remember to add to future post
Merry Christmas & Happy Sewing!
Front Bodice Piece before creating folds/pleats
Pleats in front Bodice
Gathers added to front bodice
Zipper added to side of front and back bodice pieces before closing them. The instructions do not say to do this but I find it easier to add the zipper before closing the bodice in this case.
Zipper is in !!!
Bodice Finished