“You have to color outside the lines once in a while if you want to make your life a masterpiece!”
~author unknown~
Happy Friday sewing family! Well the first week of the New Year is almost over and might I add it’s been great thus far!!! I’ve been so busy preparing new projects for the blog and connecting with my followers that I completely lost track of time and before I knew it the week was coming to a close! The response to my Tulle skirts have been off the charts fantastic so I decided to share the process with all of you via my first tutorial of 2015 appropriately titled “Twirling with Tulle.
Now I must say this video was a beast to edit and shoot simply because I had to do it all by my lonesome! Yes all by MYSELF! I tell you it’s hard to find good help amongst your family! LOL Nevertheless I made it through and the tutorial is going live today here on the blog (under the DIY & Tutorials Page) and on my Youtube channel. So lovelies I’m going to keep this post short and sweet with a couple of pictures of the Tulle skirt I finished while shooting the video. I hope you enjoy the tutorial and that you have a fabulous rest of the week.
You can find the tutorial on my DIY & Tutorial Page or my Youtube channel by clicking on the media buttons above! ENJOY!
This skirt is only six layers of tulle and on my next go round with Green I would definitely add at least five more layers just for fun!!!
Trying to keep my balance in the dirt in high heels was more than a notion!