"Make it simple, but significant.”
~Don Draper~
Good morning Lovelies and happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderfully productive weekend and you’re ready for the week ahead. Over the weekend my son and his cousins had their last hoorah of the summer in Las Vegas to watch the basketball tournaments before they begin school next Monday. The great thing about this is it gave me plenty of time to relax and SEW! I love those moments when you have the house all to yourself and you can eat and sew until the wee hours of the morning with not a care in the world!!! Oh what a wonderful weekend it was!
With all this extra time on my hands I was able to think about what I wanted to sew and share with you on the blog this week. While I love to share my experiences with you via the blog, keeping it interesting and fresh can be a bit trying at times. The wonderful thing about sewing and fashion is that there’s inspiration everywhere and if you give it some time eventually fresh ideas will come! Luckily for me it didn't take long before the ideas began to flow and I was completely immersed in everything sewing! When I finally came up for air I thought it would be great to show how I created several looks utilizing simple patterns and interchanging four basic pieces.
With that being said this week is all about coordinates and learning to make the most out of the patterns you already have on hand. So before you start your next project take a look at the pieces you already have and simply think about what you could create that would breathe new life into your already fabulous wardrobe. Happy sewing lovelies!
I started with McCalls 6964 for the top. I extended it for length cut the front and altered the sleeve using bishop sleeve instructions posted on the Video & Diy page! The Harem pants instructions are also on the Video page but please note I tapered the bottom of the pants in order to achieve the specific drape I wanted!