“Family is like music, some high notes, some low notes but always a beautiful song”
~author unknown~
Good Morning Lovelies and happy pre-Thanksgiving day to you all! I know I said it once before but I have to say it again, time is flying by at warped speed this year! I mean here we are already at Thanksgiving, Christmas is right around the corner and before you know it we’ll be celebrating and bringing in the “New Year.” I have so much to be thankful for this year alone that I could not begin to tell it all. While we all go through our ups and downs in life one thing I’m sure of, is having a loving family to support and love you through it all, makes the good times a little sweeter and the hard times easier to bare.
This brings me to the heart of today’s blog post. I know many of you have been wondering where I’ve been and why you haven't seen a post on the blog over the last ten or so days. Well if you recall I mentioned several weeks ago that I would be going on a girl’s vacation with several women in my family to the Mexican Riviera and I planned to post throughout our travels. Unfortunately my idea of posting to the blog during my vacation did not go as planned due to the extremely high cost of satellite wifi service when you’re in the middle of the ocean. Of course I checked to make sure wifi would be available but failed to check the cost of this particular service before posting my plan. LOL!
So while I had much to share and talk about with you regarding my trip I had to hold my peace until I returned home. Consequently the cruise line (CARNIVAL) we chose for our first girls trip was, how should I put this diplomatically, LESS THAN STELLAR to say the least. Let me just say that although I would never and I do mean never travel via this cruise line again, being with my FAMILY made the trip worthwhile. Being able to experience Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlán and Puerta Vallarta with my mom, sisters, cousins and aunts was an experience I will not soon forget. In fact we loved Puerta Vallarta and Mazatlán so much that we’re planning a couple’s only trip early next year. I’m learning to appreciate and focus on those things that are really important which in this case would be my family. When I look back at it all, having to suffer through a horrible cruise was minimal in comparison to the experience we shared as family. Well sewing family that will just about do it for me today as I have tons of things to do in preparation for tomorrow’s festivities. I hope you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving Holiday and that you hug your families a littler tighter and a lot longer!
Enjoy the pics!
See pics of our travels below! Happy Holidays to you all! MUAH
ME, Aunt Marlyn, Aunt Toshia, Sister Chini, Cousing Lorrie, Cousin Alanna and my MOMMY!
My Sister and Aunt having fun on deck with other passengers!
Me and my famous Little Black Lace Dress at the Formal Dinner.
The color was a little off in the dining room! I tried!
Everyone at Dinner! I'm taking the picture! LOL
There I am Peeking through in the back!LOL
Cousin Selfie!
Sister Selfie!
Cousin Selfie! Waiting to get off at CABO!
Finally off the boat in CABO!
Here we are in Mazatlan!
Me & My Mommy in Mazatlan! It was Beautiful!
Me my Mom and my Sister
Here we all are at the top of Lookout Hill in Mazatlan! It was Amazing!
Mazatlan is Simply Beautiful!!!
SERGIO was the best tour guide EVER! He made our experience in Mazatlan wonderful!
Now On to Puerta Vallarta!
This is going to be a Resort! I plan to stay there as soon as they finish! LOL
Now time for some Organic Tequila Making!
Our tour guide in Puerta Vallarta "Bernie" was fabulous