"Research Consist of seeing what everyone else has seen but thinking what no one else has thought."
Happy Tuesday all, I hope your week started off with a creative bang and you’re ready to make some fabulous things happen. This being my birthday week I definitely plan on making some things happen and catching up on some much needed me time. Every year I celebrate my born day for an entire week by indulging in everything my little heart desires (within reason that is). I usually spend the time doing everything I’ve been meaning to do for myself but simply haven’t had time to do. Now, I'm going to be honest I may not get very much sewing done this week but I do have other fabulous things to share with you family, so lets get this party started!
This past weekend I took a little trip to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising appropriately known as FIDM in Los Angeles. My initial reason for visiting the campus was to check out the Library, do a little research and hopefully refresh my creative brain. Upon contacting the library regarding their hours of operation I asked a couple of questions in relation to vintage magazines and whether or not they carry any from the 60's and 70's. I was thoroughly excited when I was told that not only do they have vintage books and magazines but they also have an extensive vintage pattern collection that visitors are allowed to view and copy for their own personal use. I almost fell out of my seat when the library representative told me this but quickly composed myself and made an appointment to visit the campus that Saturday. Needless to say they do have a fabulous collections and yes it's all free!! The staff instructs you to bring your own pattern paper and other various tools necessary to copy the patterns as they do not provide these items for you. Once they get you settled in your own little area you are free to cut and copy for as long as you like or at least until they close.
There's so much to take in all at once that I literally spent the first hour alone going through notebook after notebook of patterns before making my final selection. The staff helped me throughout the entire process which made my visit all the more memorable. I must say I had an absolute blast; so much so that I scheduled another appointment this upcoming weekend to visit the campus and spend the entire day in Vintage Pattern HEAVEN! FIDM has campuses in San Franciso, San Diego and Los Angeles so if you're ever in the area and have a day to spend I would definitely recommend taking the time to visit one of their awesome facilities. I have to say I learned a valuable lesson this past week about making use of resources in my area especially those that have the potential of saving me a ton of money! I strongly suggest that everyone check their local community libraries, college campus and design schools to find out what resources they have available that you can make use of. Well family that just about does it for me today. I hope you have a Fantastic rest of the week full of creative expression, inspiration and most of all SEWING FUN!
Big Hugs