"I just don’t want to look back and think “Shoot I should have bought that fabric!”
~Just Me~
Hello sewing loves and happy Thursday to you all! Well it’s the countdown to the weekend and I for one cannot wait!! I have so much I want to get done this weekend including some much needed fabric shopping for my summer pieces. There’s nothing like fabric shopping to get those creative juices flowing.
Whenever I find myself clouded with ideas or unsure of my creative direction, I’ll turn to fabric shopping for inspiration. For me shopping for fabric with no idea of what I truly want actually works. Now I’m not saying that I never go shopping with a plan in mind, but there are times when I have no plan or idea of what I want to buy. Yes you heard right my creative process is not as planned or well thought out as you may think! LOL I actually enjoy being able to clear my mind from time to time and simply let the fabric inspire me!
Case and point when I purchased the amazing floral print being featured in today’s post I had no idea what I wanted or if I would even find anything during that trip. All I knew was I needed inspiration from something fabulous and as luck would have it I found it several times over that day. Who knows if I would have found this fabulous print if I limited myself to a list of specifics. I guess the point I’m trying to make is we don’t always have to know the next project, color or design at that very moment; sometimes the best ideas are inspired by exploration.
Big Hugs
Fabric is thin lightweight Cotton I cut on the bias for this little ditty! Fabric purchased from Journal Fabrics in Downtown Los Angeles
Sorry loves it was the last five yards on the bolt and I purchased it all! here is there facebook info:
Pattern used McCalls 7163 View "C"
I extended top to desired length and used slash and Spread method for fullness found on my Video & DIY page found here:
No your eyes are not deceiving you I left the edges serged just to see how it would look and flow! My sister loved it but nahhhhh I'm changing that! LOL