“An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.”
~Dr. Edwin Land~
Good day my lovely sewing family, I hope all is well with everyone and that you’re ready to get this week started with some coaching! Yes you guessed it today I’m posting week #6 of the Coaching Series with Yuliya Raquel. I know you all have been waiting for this and some even wondered if the series was over! LOLLL Well no it’s not over and yes we are back picking Yuliya’s brain again.
Please know that while Yuliya and I try to film every week sometimes our differing schedules don’t always mesh and we have to push things back from time to time. We are however committed to finishing this series and providing our sewing/designing community with as much information as we possibly can. I will keep you in the loop regarding the upcoming weeks and any delay’s that may occur as a result of scheduling. In the meantime have a look at this fabulous video and don’t forget to check out the resources posted below. There’s no homework for this session simply because the resources posted fit perfectly with this week’s topic “Fashion Business: Creativity vs Business Savvy.” Until next time here’s to a great rest of the week!
PLM Software for Fashion Industry
So what is
Product Lifecycle Management System (PLM)?
Well PLM can be used to automate the management of product-related data and integrate the data with other business processes such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and manufacturing execution systems (MES).
Through PLM, everyone involved can see the latest version of a product; know when it's been modified or if it's been dropped from the line, whereby avoiding manufacturing errors and improving product quality. By using the real-time platform, a designer can work on the details of a garment's spec while another department explores different manufacturing options for the product, hedging time, she adds.
*PLM Software can be quite pricey and really may not be the best investment for small start ups. Trust me you will have plenty of time to explore this type of software down the line.
There are also cloud based PLM programs for apparel, footwear and accessories industries. One such company that I checked out and was quite impressed with is WFX. WFX Web PDM is Product Data Management software for Fashion Apparel, Footwear, Accessories and related Industries. You and your team can manage and share all product related information in real time and it's safely housed in the cloud!
I am in no way affiliated with or endorsing this company or its software product.**
Production Planner
Now on to some fun stuff! I know many of you may not be big on keeping planners but trust me if you don't have the money or the need for an expensive PLM software program then these little gems will work just fine. Trust me I have both the Production and business planner from Doyle printables and I absolutely love them. Sometimes the best things are those that are really simple and easy to use!! The production planner has everything from the initial idea/sketch through production and inventory. (click on link below for Doyle Printables)
Business Planner
I actually merged both the production planner with the business planner and it gives me everything I need for right now. It speaks to the creative side and the necessary business side which is exactly what we discussed in this weeks video.
Inspiration & Mood Boards
We also talked about carving out time to be creative while staying on track! One thing we both love to do is create Inspiration & Mood Boards. It's a great way to quickly jot down things that inspire your creative side! The great thing about these boards is it allows you the freedom to be creative but it also has an element of business in that it helps you keep track of ideas for projects that can eventually turn into PROFIT!
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Well I think I've given you enough to think about for one day! LOL See you next time!