There are three responses to a piece of design… Yes, No, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.
~Milton Glaser~
Hey sewing fam bam it’s Tuesday and time for some hot fun in the summer time! Yes it’s blazing in the southland today and I thought what better time to get this all white summer party post going. While this past weekend’s weather wasn’t really what I had in mind for pictures it eventually cleared up allowing me to grab my camera, my sister and make some things happen.
As you all know I’ve been really busy with the Nina Ramel pattern and online clothing collection so I really only have time to create simple pieces that don’t take much time but still look fabulous. Not only that if you know anything about me you know I’m a minimalist who truly believes that less is better and over designing is unnecessary. Now don’t get me wrong I do believe that there is a time and a place for everything (within reason) but for right now this is where “Shari” is at! LOL
I got the idea to do an all-white party series after completing one of my closet overhauls. After getting rid of things I wasn't going to keep and putting back the things I couldn't bare to part with I realized there was nothing white left that I truly wanted to incorporate into this summer's wardrobe. So I decided instead of sewing pieces simply because I have the fabric or an idea popped into my head; why not sew pieces that I really need right now. Hence the “All-White Summer Party” series was born and we're kicking it off today! Of course I don’t know how long I’m going to be on this all white party kick but for now I say just hold on tight and enjoy the ride! LOLLLL Here's to a fabulous rest of the week loves and stay tuned for the next video of the Coaching Series featuring Yuliya Raquel.
Top: Is the same as the denim top featured last week on the blog and is part of my Nina Ramel Personal Pattern Collection. However if you take any off the shoulder top and use the slash and spread method shared on my Video & DIY page you will get the EXACT same result! LOL
Skirt: Is also the same as the Denim skirt shared last week and is done by following the flared skirt instructions shared on my Video & DIY page but stopping at the KNEE (or however long you desire).
Pants: The pants are part of the Nina Ramel Pattern Collection that will be released for the Fall on Bootstrap Fashion! So Stay Tuned if you want to create your own personal pair using your exact measurements. Otherwise the look can be achieved using any wide leg pants pattern you have in your stash.