Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having FUN!
~Mary Lou Cook~
Hello my dear sewing family and happy Wednesday! Yes it’s hump day as they say and we’re well on our way to the other side of the week, otherwise known as the weekend! LOL I must confess that I had mixed emotions about today’s post and what I’m about to share, not because it’s horrible but simply because it’s different. Again it’s not sharing with you that had me discombobulated, instead it’s the content that has me feeling some kind of way! Well let me explain just what I mean and why I wasn’t too thrilled.
You see this past weekend I created several pieces to share on the blog and unfortunately I didn’t like any of them. Let me clarify I should say I didn’t like any of them together and I was starting to feel frustrated. I knew the ideas were good they just weren’t meshing as I had hoped so I took a break, cleared my head and scaled back. Well guess what family it worked! WHEWWWW it finally came together!
The problem was I went against my own rule which simply put is “Sometimes LESS is BETTER.” I knew better because the print I chose to work with, while beautiful is bold and busy! That being said I knew that whatever I created would have to be scaled way down. Well……… I was being hard headed trying to make something pop that ended up POOPING! Yes family seriously POOPING! Of course my intentions were to never let these pics see the light of day but I remembered the promise I made to you all coming into 2016. You remember the promise I made to share the good, the bad and the downright ugly with you. So while I wouldn’t consider the other looks to be ugly they simply didn’t mesh well at all thus I will save those particular pieces for another day! In the meantime let me know what say YOU! LOLL Have a fabulous day and Tune in next week as I share my all white party and Week #6 of the Coaching series.
Okay now this is the final look that came together! WHEWW It's definitely me which is why it works! The top I draped after seeing a picture on Pinterest that was similar! The pants are Burda 6665 which I used several weeks back for my all black looks. The bag is Coach purchased several years ago. Shoes from JustFab unfortunately discontinued! But I love Them!